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  • 05340675369

Collax builds digital products that let people do things differently. Share your challenge with our team, and we’ll work with you to deliver a revolutionary digital product. Our clients have changed the way people do banking, listen to music.

learn languages, and rent bikes. Their products have been featured in TechCrunch, Business Insider, and Product Hunt.

Wiktor Schmidt


Wow. What a great experience with this copywriter. collax is a very talented digital agnecy. yesterday.

Creating world class experiences

Collax builds digital products that let people do things differently. Share your challenge with our team, and we’ll work with you to deliver a revolutionary digital product. Our clients have changed the way people do banking, listen to music.

learn languages, and rent bikes. Their products have been featured in TechCrunch, Business Insider, and Product Hunt

Project kikoff

At collax we specialize designing building, shipping...


At collax we specialize designing building, shipping...

Design Process

At collax we specialize designing building, shipping...


At collax we specialize designing building, shipping...